North Carolina Educational Dataset: External data

Table with the official data sources and metadata .

Coordinate systems and units used: spm: State Plane, metric; spft: State Plane, feet; ll: Geographic coordinates (lat/long); utm: Universal Transverse Mercator, metric; xy: Non-georeferenced (x,y). 3.6M (lidar bare earth points [spm])
boundaries_nc_ll.tar 60K (NC boundaries [ll])
geonames_features.csv 60K (Geonames acronyms as table, see also README)
GTOPOw100n40.tar.gz 11M (GTOPO 30 arc-sec DEM [ll]) 1.4M (Geodetic points [spm]) 3.9M (Soils associations statewide (spm))
Landsat scenes used in the book (1987, 2000, 2002)
lc96catlabels.txt 2.0K (Landuse classes for 28m res. 1996)
lc96metadata.txt 64K (Landuse metadata for 28m res. 1996)
lc96ras_cut.img 248K (Landuse 1996 clipped to the SW Wake region [spm])
lidaratm2.txt.gz: Dataset as ASCII text file (8MB). Uncompress with gunzip lidaratm2.txt.gz (ASCII data description") 850K (Lidar multi-return data as SHAPE file [spm])
lidar_raleigh_nc_spm_height_feet.las (44M, Raleigh Lidar data [spm] from x,y,z data in LAS format; vertical data in US feet = 0.3048006096012192 meters) | (processing steps to produce LAS)
lkwhee4.hdr 20K (IRDOQQ 1998 header [spft])
lkwhee4.sdw 1.0K (IRDOQQ 1998 header [spft])
lkwhee4.sid 6.6M (IRDOQQ 1998 image [spft])
Masterplanxy.dxf 26M (Campus Master Plan [xy])
NCETOPO2_4604.g98 185K (ETOPO2v2 2 arc-min DEM [ll])
nc_geology.csv 7K (NC geological classes, table; legend of map "geology")
nc_names.txt 5.5M (NC features names, points [ll, utm])
newfacility.txt 1.0K (New facility footprint, polygon [spm])
NonGeoIMG792.tif 9.9M (unreferenced image)
ortho2010_t792_subset_20cm.tif (RGB orthophoto, 20cm, 39M [spm])
P079216.DXF 543K (Planimetry [spf])
raleigh_nc_1951.jpg 744K (Topographic map from 1951, scanned, source)
road_profile_xy.txt 0.5K (Points along road profile [smp])
schools.txt 6.0K (School locations [spm])
schools_el_lu.txt 9.0K (Land cover from landsat at school locations [spm]) 1.1M (SRTM V1 1 arc-sec DEM [ll])
wake_soil_groups.csv (CSV, 1.2k) or wake_soil_groups.db (SQLite DB 4.0K) (Wake soil groups as table, see also README)

Get additional data and the latest updates from the original web sites at NC One Map and Wake county GIS

Online Supplement for: "Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach"

Last update: 5/2018